Let your friends swipe for you!


Let your friends swipe for you!


Built on Trust, not on Pictures.

On Blindmate your friends swipe for you. They know you better than anyone – and you get great matches, easy as that.

  • 1.

    The most natural thing in the world – meet your partner through friends

  • 2.

    Trustbased matching – in contrast to algorithms, your friends have only your interest in mind!

  • 3.

    Images are important, character is essential – at least for a fulfilling relationship. That's why we have Blindchats.

The vision of Blindmate
What users say
  • Für mich war es ein voller Erfolg nach 3 Monaten. Super Konzept, bin mega begeistert. Ich hatte noch nie so eine gute Quote an zwischenmenschlicher Passung bei den Matches.

  • cute app, macht Spaß für seine Freunde zu swipen

  • Sehr gute App mit fantastischem Support, endlich mal was anderes als die üblichen Dating Apps.

    Only a human with dreams
  • Mega schnaffte, so richtig knorke, super töffte :)

  • Hab über die App meine Freundin kennengelernt und bin sehr glücklich verliebt. Danke ❤️

  • Super gute App. Being a matchmaker is sooo much fun

    Mandarina von Nonsense
  • Freunde (und mehr) durch Freunde kennenlernen - super Idee, weiter so :)

  • Ich habe die app durch eine freundin empfohlen bekommen. Bin super begeistert. In den meisten Apps verlaufen sich die Gespräche recht schnell. Hier ist der Reiz groß zu wissen mit wem man schreibt, bzw was die Freunde über die Person geschrieben hat. Bin dank der App glücklich vergeben.

  • ungeahnt toll...super idee. Bitte bleibt so!

  • Extrem coole App, ein tolles Erlebnis unter Freund:innen, das auch die Freunschaften stärkt! Endlich für andere swipen!

  • Extrem cooles Konzept und ultra witzige Fragen/Antwortmöglichkeiten! Bringt viel Ehrlichkeit mit rein. Ich feiere es sehr und meine Freunde haben auch Spaß :D Und die können offenbar auch gut durch die Profile einschätzen, wer cool ist. Hatte schon richtig nice Leute dabei! :3 Dass in den negativen Kommentaren so oft steht, es wäre blöd, dass man Freunde einladen müsse, ist witzig. Man sollte sich die Beschreibung vielleicht vorher durchlesen... :D Bin begeistert, danke für das tolle Konzept! <3

    Luna Luna Bla
  • echt witzige & tolle Abwechslung zu dem ganzen sonstigen swipe Wahnsinn

  • Blindmate = gut

How Blindmate worksYour preferences
invisible matchmaker
Your preferences
invisible matchmaker
Fill in your single friends’ profileThey sign up with only the basics (name and picture), you answer questions about them to cover the rest.
The team behind Blindmateblindmate team

We started Blindmate as a hobby project, inspired by very real-life stories. Today, Blindmate is a rapidly growing app with over 200.000 users, thanks to a fantastic community and great Investors.

  • anna

    Anna is a doctor. She is the inventor, heart and soul of blindmate. As a psychotherapist she knows a lot about humans.


    Jas is a communication genius. She studied politics and history but somehow has always done marketing ever since.


    Ben is a quantum physicist. He’s probably in front of some screen right now, working on our daily menu of bugs.

  • betty

    Betty is a designer and social media manager at Blindmate. She is also responsible for making the rest of the team feel old.


    Laurenz is a designer but somehow ended up being CEO. So he manages for maximum efficiency and constantly interrupts with new ideas.


    Andi is an outdoor-adventure-educator. He helps users in the support chat. He always writes very funny texts. This text was written by Ben.

  • magda

    Media master Magda masterfully makes meticulously measured mockups, magnifically matching many mates. Nice!


    Oleg is an engineer. If we’re honest, “artist” would be much more fitting, looking at his code, but he prefers engineer.


    You have skills we could use or motivation to join? Get in touch!

  • anna

    Anna is a doctor. She is the inventor, heart and soul of blindmate. As a psychotherapist she knows a lot about humans.


    Jas is a communication genius. She studied politics and history but somehow has always done marketing ever since.

  • ben

    Ben is a quantum physicist. He’s probably in front of some screen right now, working on our daily menu of bugs.


    Betty is a designer and social media manager at Blindmate. She is also responsible for making the rest of the team feel old.

  • laurenz

    Laurenz is a designer but somehow ended up being CEO. So he manages for maximum efficiency and constantly interrupts with new ideas.


    Andi is an outdoor-adventure-educator. He helps users in the support chat. He always writes very funny texts. This text was written by Ben.

  • magda

    Media master Magda masterfully makes meticulously measured mockups, magnifically matching many mates. Nice!


    Oleg is an engineer. If we’re honest, “artist” would be much more fitting, looking at his code, but he prefers engineer.

  • you

    You have skills we could use or motivation to join? Get in touch!

Your data is YOUR data
What data are we talking about?

We’re talking about various data, much of which you entrust to us very directly: profile pictures, answers about friends, chat histories, and much more. But less obvious data is also essential: For the app to work, we need to know, for example, which phone and which system version you are using. We need to note times to display chats in the correct order. You also don't want to see profiles repeatedly, so we need to store which ones you've already seen. And then there's marketing...

What do we do with your data?

In short: Only what we consider necessary to make Blindmate better and more well-known. Obviously, we need to store profile pictures, texts, and messages to display your profiles and chats. In addition, we analyze (anonymously) usage data to find problems and opportunities for improvement. When we advertise, we also analyze which advertisements are clicked and which users come into the app.
In short: a whole lot comes together. We are very self-critical and there is a clear line we do not cross: We never share your data with third parties for commercial purposes.

And yes, we know that many companies make a lot of money with data. But promised, as long as this sentence stands here, that won't happen. Sure, the day might come when we suddenly get a craving for caviar. In this case, probably this text would disappear and an updated privacy policy with the headline "Privacy is important to us" would appear, which nobody reads. But we are not yet fans of caviar. Pretzels are tasty too.
If you want to support us improve data security, please check out our Hacker Policies.
Fairness and Sustainability

We’re not just trying to build an awesome dating app. We’re also trying (really hard) to be an awesome company.

Fair pay

We aim for good and fair pay and measure our success not by our highest salary but by our lowest. 2024/05, our net salary range was €20.26 (social media mini-job) to €32.70 (engineer).

Working conditions

When they hear startup, many people think 80-hour-week. When we hear 80-hour-week, we think unsustainable. Yup, at times we work like maniacs. But no job should keep us from life, so we do our best to act accordingly – cause we can!


Our servers run on green energy since day 1. Beyond that, we try to compensate for travel, equipment, and any other stuff. And because that’s hard as f*ck to track, we compensate with some buffer.

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